Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i'm having troubles studying. enough troubles to blog about it. enough trouble to go on the internet and find a picture of the cover of my text book.

i'm assuming i'm not alone on this one. we've all been there. the day(s) you know you need to study, but just can't. you have that feeling in your stomach, like you know unless you do some hardcore studying, you will not do well on the test. i have two of these test coming up, thursday and saturday morning. two of my more difficult classes all semester, so i really do need to buckle down here.
but i just hate it. self-discipline is a problem for me. so it's like putting a kid in a candy shop - hey austen, school's done, you don't HAVE to do anything until test days, just show up and write. so i have all this "free" time, and all the sudden the weather gods smiled upon us, it's a balmy -13 out. ahh.
that is all. enjoy your lives. i know i'm enjoying mine.



Avey said...

Are you really studying Cognitive Psychology??? Because I know what that is.
Kind of.
My correspondence class talked about cognitive development once in awhile...
and those were the dry chapters.
I can't image a whole class on it.

Anonymous said...

i am in the same boat astro...and dance parties don't help a person focus!

jeff and austen said...

tis true avey, i'm taking a whole class on it, and writing the final on thursday morning. kiiiillll mmmmmeeee!

Walshy said...

I miss you austen..I am glad I do not go to "real" college and have to take these sort of things..keep me posted on how it all turns out!

Avey said...

ok. jeff and austen, I have something to tell you-
the reason people don't read your blog anymore is because you don't post anymore...