Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Give Me a Good Reason Not To

I gave blood today.  It was awesome, as usual.  Except for this stupid lady who was in-front of me in line.  We were sitting in a row of chairs and as people were called to give blood we would move down towards the end.  The way it went was like move down one and then right away again and then wait 10 minutes and then move down and then immediately again and then wait.  Kind of annoying, but whatever.  So we get to the end of the chairs me, this lady in front of me and the lady ahead of her and a cot opens up so the lady on the end leaves, leaving the lady and I and an open chairs and several other people behind me.  Now, this lady wasn't morbidly obese, but she wasn't thin, either. She looks at me and looks down the line of chairs and says something about how she's not going to move over one chair.  ONE CHAIR! Lady, it's not that big of nuisance.  A minute later someone needed a place to sit, so she was FORCED to move down and moments later she was called. I just don't understand some people.  Now go give blood.  
