Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rainy Day Adventure.

This is a video from a little adventure we had two weeks ago.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a fireman with a nice handle bar mustache.

this is Portland's town hall

found the bank of the homeland. too bad i can't keep my eyes open.

Jeff's lovely friend, and our travelling companion sarah. (also the only picture he took all day that has a person in it)

we travelled through new hampshire, thanks for quick picture taking skills sarah

As promised here are pictures from our adventure to Portland!

Other than taking adventures to far away lands we have not been up to too much. As a canadian in america though, i am very excited about the upcoming election! i think it's pretty cool that i will be here during this momentus time! the countdown is on. oh and american thanksgiving, looking forward to that too. the other countdown is on.

please forgive the briefness and poor quality of our blogs. we seem to only be able to do it here and there at the library for 45 minutes. hope everyone reading is well!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Just a quick update while I'm (jeff) at the library. Not too much to report- we took a day trip up to Maine last Thursdays (pictures to come) and we were lucky enough to attend a good Lutheran church for Reformation Sunday. A high emphasis on Lutheran. It was good. I'm not good at multi-tasking. more later.

Monday, October 6, 2008

NYC Baby!

Hey guess what, this is Paul McCartney's bass guitar. we saw it at the Hard Rock Cafe. Believe it.

Our lovely female traveling companions. Nice to know you Mishka.

Look how darling the siblings are at Battery Park.

Greenwhich Village. Moments before I (Jeff) saw Halle Berry.

Just us enjoying some coffee in New York City.

All of us. Special thanks to traveling stranger who took the picture and kindly returned the camera.

NBC. The GE building is tall.

Last thursday we made a little trip to the city to do some exploring. A good was had by one and all. We met up with Mishka (who had spent some time with us at l'abri) before she flew back to Slovakia! The Girls didn't shop as much as we thought they would, but fortunately Anna found some shoes. She was in dire need, or so she says. We also saw bandana's in a "second hand" store, they were $150. yikes. Oh, and as was afforementioned, Jeff and Josh happened upon Halle Berry. Just another day in the big apple.