Monday, March 26, 2007

Funny Mondays (title needs work)

It is our goal here at "The Continuing adventures of Jeff and Austen" to make your day brighter. And since Mondays typically suck, it is of extreme importance to us to get you through the first day back from the weekend. We want to try and make your Mondays better by sharing a funny anecdote or perhaps a comical video with you. We do not promise to be 100% punctual or consistent, but we will sure try. So hopefully this little story from my weekend will make your chuckle.

This past weekend I (Jeff) was at Pracs Institute to test some drug that is in the experimental stage having to do with blockage in the blood vessels or something. Basically I got paid a lot of money to eat, sleep, watch movies, do my homework and get my blood drawn a bunch of times. They do tell us about some side effects we may encounter including: heart failure, inability to sleep, sleepiness, tooth ache, the list goes on, big deal. But what they don't tell us about is the dumb asses we have to put up with. We are divided up into to sleeping rooms that are very large and have like 15 bunk beds, and the guys that were next to me had brought a TV, PS2, some games a movie- which is fine, whatever. They were so annoying. The one guy had this voice that drove me up the wall and he complained nonstop and kept swearing at his video game the whole time because he sucked at it. I was like, "Buddy, if you suck so bad, just quit, are you retarded?" I didn't really say that of course, but if I had......... And apparently they rented the Prestige or the Illusionist or both, which I've heard are good, haven't seen them myself, some sort of magician movies or something. So the same genius that's telling his game to f- off asks one of his friends, "Was the magic in the Illusionist real?" I about jumped off my bad and slapped him in face. REAL MAGIC? It's a movie! Wow. I sometimes can't believe how dumb people are. And that was today's funny story. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I have been known to dabble in the dark arts myself, remind me, the next time i see you jeffy, to show you a little magic trick of my own.... and contrary to popular belief, i did make it up on my own, and yes, i call on the sri lankan gods to aid me in my quest and search for magic.....
a magic that binds us all together...this magic too, is the only thing that apparently my religious studies professor, once being a minister, prays too.....
small world....

heather said...


jeff and austen said...

Oh, tabita, you and you heathen ways, the next time I see you I'll be sure to bring the exorcism kit.
