We've been living in Southborough at L'abri for almost 3 weeks now! There's about 15 other guys and gals living with us in the 19th century Massachusetts Mansion! So far it's been a pretty neat experience and we've met some interesting people! For those of you who we haven't explained L'abri to, we're not going to now. or ever. it's too hard to explain. essentially we're living in a commune out here. Our day consists of individual study time, household and outdoor work, 3 meals, lots of tea breaks and the odd lecture and discussion. We quite enjoy the pace as it is relatively slow. everyone's pretty relaxed, and the people that run the show have a good attidue about life.
we've included some pictures here for your viewing pleasure. please be pleasured.
All in all we're enjoying ourselves. time seems to be going be slow and fast at the same time. it doesn't feel like we've been here all that long, but time is flying. at the same time.
p.s. bonnie kaack, everyone here who knits thinks your slippers are incredible, and those who don't knit, agree.