as some of you know, i (austen) am occasionaly known to make boarderline racist comments. i assure all of you i am most certainly not racist. i totally believe in treating everyone equally, and i am just as down on whites as any other group. i often make a lot of these comments when i am with tabitha, naturally because of the color of her skin. (i suppose this is sounding worse and worse if you are not on the inside track with tabitha and mines relationship. - i assure you it is all in good taste and no feelings are hurt. ever. too badly.) anyway, she is always telling me that "one of these days you are going to get yourself in trouble!" the following story is that day:
Graham and Chad stopped over last night on their way to south america. me being the good host i am, gave them Chili, showed them a good time, and gave them a bed to sleep in. (this is of course in calgary - so really when i say i did all that i mean my mom) so i took them downtown to Eu Claire market to look around. after we were finished, we all three had to pee. after we had done the deed, and were washing at the sink, i said to Graham - "I told you it's all Asians who work there!" refering to the previous store which is called Emilios, but is in fact run by asains. immediately following the utterance of these words, an asain came out of one of the stalls. as soon as i heard the door open - without looking i knew it was an asain. it was too perfect a situation for it not to be. i looked down at my hands, and caught him out of the corner of my eye - asian! not only asian, but asian gang looking - scary. i tried to play it off to graham by saying something quiter like, "ya, it must have been his brother" or some none sense, in a vain effort to throw him off. needless to say we made a quick exit before he could call his counterparts.
Dodged a bullet there, eh tabby!? - austen